Monday, January 25, 2010

Menu Plan Monday, Last Week of Eat from the Pantry!

Still have about a lifetime supply of cream cheese to use up from that pre-holiday sale.

Breakfast: Clementines, bananas, and toasted (frozen) yeast rolls with cream cheese
Lunch: Leftovers from Sunday night dinner - which was brought to us (horray!) by friends from church.
Dinner: Loaded "shrimp club" salad with Baconnaise-coated thawed shrimp, tomato, gorgonzola cheese, cranberries, toasted almonds, and vinaigrette. Also - apple slices dipped in peanut butter.

Breakfast: Cereal and milk, bananas
Lunch: Brie, apricot preserves, and fresh basil broiled on whole grain toast
Dinner: Homemade avocado sushi (and lots of it!), salad or frozen veggies with shiitake sesame vinaigrette

Breakfast: Toast and cream cheese with fruit preserves, cubed mango
Lunch: Annie's mac'n'cheese, clementines or grapefruit.
Dinner: Scrambled eggs, toaster oven home fries with ketchup

Breakfast: Instant oatmeal with raisins and toasted almonds
Lunch: PB&J, baby carrots
Dinner: Crock pot taco soup (ground beef, leftover veggies, taco seasonings, topped w/sour cream and cheese), fruit smoothies

Breakfast: Sour cream muffin and cream cheese, grapefruit
Lunch: Avocado sandwiches (blend avocado with a little Baconnaise and fresh cilantro and spread thickly on whole grain toast...yum!)
Dinner: Frozen pizza (The End.)
Menu Plan Monday, Last Week of Eat from the Pantry!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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