Here are some tidbits that we've spotted the past week, a mix of eyebrow-raising headlines and common sense:
Overspending on Debit Cards is a Boon for Banks - Via NYT. "...banks now make more covering overdrafts than they do on penalty fees from credit cards." Great incentives to keep close track of your account balances!
How to Cook for Kids Who Aren't Foodies - Via Double X. A great reminder that, when you find frugal recipes using staples that your family loves - you shouldn't feel bad about putting them into regular rotation!
The Social Side of Obesity - You Are Who You Eat With - Via Time magazine. Your dining companions can dictate how much you do or don't eat, often to the tune of hundreds of calories! This applies to concepts of frugality, too. If you and your family members as a group don't overconsume on food, you'll save money and waistlines in the aggregate!
A Weak Back To School Season for Retailers - Again via NYT, from last week. Apparently, with college and high school students' summer jobs being slim pickings, and parents having budget 'reality checks' of their own, prestige retailers like Abercrombie and Fitch are suffering sales drops by as much as 29%. Maybe...just maybe... the consumers are paying half the price for classic jeans will last for a few years instead of those that aren't already professionally deconstructed and abraded.
1 week ago
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